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Chapter 5: Premonitions
So many storms not right somehow
How a lion becomes a mouse
By the woods by the woods by the woods
Though it was well after midnight, no one wanted to sleep. Selphie piloted the Ragnarok at breakneck speeds, just like the old days before her position at Trabia Garden. Only the occasional admonition from Quistis got her to slow down and fly a little more cautiously. Everyone understood, of course, she wanted desperately to get back to Irvine. Jasia, the librarian Zell was engaged to, traveled with them for this. Selphie insisted on it, the two women had bonded over the incident, both believing their significant others to have passed on. It was only fair to bring Jasia along and let her be reunited with her fiancé. Squall felt much more subdued. Rinoa was with them, back in Esthar. The real Rinoa, apparently, not the apparition that cloned her body back at Balamb Garden. He wasn't sure how to feel about it. The last time he and Rinoa spoke, it had been to say good bye. She left him, did he expect her to fall into his arms again when they were reunited?
"Is Squall thinking again?" Selphie asked in exasperation, glancing over her shoulder at the Commander. Suddenly torn from his reveries, he realized everyone now stared at him. He frowned, and looked down at the infant still in his arms. Selphie had this odd habit of always setting Vaniel in his lap. Her excuse when he finally, tersely commented on it? She figured he was sitting already and he wouldn't mind. Even when he told her, "Whatever," she just kept doing it, claiming he needed to get used to babies anyway. Luckily, Vaniel seemed the quiet child, though he had a liking for the fur lining of the Commander's jacket, always grabbing at it with chubby fingers. Then he'd try to put it in his mouth and Squall would have to grab that hand, amazed at how strong babies were once something had their attention, and pull the wet fur free before it became even more drool sodden. At least Ellone or Quistis would take the babe if he started to fuss, that was something. Squall had no idea what to do with a cranky child.
"So what if I was," he replied to Selphie, finally. There was a lot to think about, really. Rinoa was in Esthar. The woman he loved more than he could comprehend, whose absence left a palpable rift in his life, was suddenly within his reach. So many questions and so many doubts and so few reassurances. Thankfully, something on the console distracted Selphie and she didn't tease him further on the matter. Everyone else lost interest also, and Squall was left in peace to fend off Vaniel's attempts to grab at his fur collar.
The Ragnarok hardly landed before Selphie leapt up from the pilot's seat, dashing past Laguna so fast she knocked him back against Ward. Slowing without stopping, she turned enough to give the President a sheepish look, "Sorry." It hardly stopped her from continuing down the off ramp into the palace beyond. Everyone else filed off the ship with a bit less fervor, Ellone herself wheeling Squall into the palace behind the others. He was grateful that she took her time, allowing him to get ready for the inevitable. He heard the distant sound of Selphie's voice, screaming Irvine's name at the top of her lungs. The scene painted itself out for him before Ellone ever rounded the corner with the wheelchair.
Selphie had literally latched herself onto Irvine, who hardly seemed phased by the fact that she had her legs wrapped around him with her arms holding onto his neck while the two embraced one another in a rather passionate kiss. Squall immediately diverted his attention toward Jasia and Zell, who were merely hugging one another tightly, not quite the types to display such affection as the cowboy and the pilot were. Storm gray eyes sought out the familiar form of Rinoa, surprised that she wasn't in the room at all. He looked over his shoulder at Ellone, who could only shake her head. She knew no better than he did.
"Vaniel? He... he grew," Irvine's voice brought the Commander's attention ahead again, turning his gaze in time to see the cowboy lift the child's weight from his lap. It was easy to see the son took after his father when the two were together, even if the babe was only five months old now.
"Babies do that, you know," Selphie teased, far too happy to have her husband back to worry over his four month absence. "You haven't missed much, Irvy. Just him crying a lot and diaper changes and late night bottle feedings and..." her voice trailed off as the couple drifted away from Squall. Obviously they had a lot of catching up to do. For a second it made the Commander ache to watch them together, and it stunned him to realize it was out of jealousy. Irvine and Selphie shared a special bond, one Squall shared with Rinoa. Or had, once upon a time.
Leaning back, Squall asked Ellone, "Where is Rinoa?" She shook her head and gestured for him to wait a moment, walking away from him to talk with Laguna and Kiros. When she returned, she was smiling, grabbing the handles of the wheelchair to back up, turn him around and roll him right out the door.
When Ellone returned to the waiting room, she found it distinctly empty, save for Quistis, who sat on one of the couches by herself. In her lap rested Vaniel, the baby busy burbling over a plastic, neon colored toy the girl teased him with, reaching for it with saliva wet fingers. His feet kicked and he giggled with his fervor to get the toy from her hand. It was funny to see Quistis laugh, finally giving in and letting the infant put the toy in his mouth, where everything seemed to be going lately. Cornflower blue eyes flickered up toward Ellone as she approached, resting her hands on her knees as she bent down to peer back at the child. "Where did everyone go?"
"Oh, Laguna had some business to attend to, of course. Zell and Jasia ran off to get something to eat and I offered to watch Vaniel for Selphie and Irvine so they could, ahem, catch up on things," Quistis replied, sounding rather droll about keeping an eye on the baby. Straightening up, Ellone giggled, understanding what she really meant.
"That was really nice of you, Quisty," she said, sitting on the couch beside the former instructor so she could touch the baby's head softly. Just a smattering of hair there, and it was already turning a distinct reddish color. Ellone got the impression this one was bound to take after his father more than his mother. Poor girls of the future. "Squall and Rinoa are talking, I don't know how it's going. I figured it would be better for them to work things out on their own."
Quistis nodded in agreement, grabbing one of the while cotton towels Selphie left with her to clean Vaniel's face off. He seemed to drool more and more lately, getting it all over everything. Briefly, it made her think of Iboen, the boy she'd seen back at Dollet. He was safe there, wasn't he? She left the infant with trusted friends, and planned on bringing him to Garden as soon as he turned five and could be accepted as a student. As the assistant to the Headmaster to Balamb Garden, she just didn't have the time to be caring for babies, as much as she wanted to keep Iboen with her. She looked up at Ellone for a long moment of silence after hearing about Squall and Rinoa.
"Do you think they'll be able to settle their differences?"
Ellone sighed and shrugged her shoulders, the motion somehow brief and yet gentle. "Hard to say. Squall is stubborn, but so is Rinoa. Still, they've both changed so much. I can't really predict what will happen, Quistis."
Quistis nodded again, grinning down at Vaniel as the toy finally fell from his mouth and he twisted to grab at it with chubby fingers, cooing and burbling in the process. Never did she think a baby would capture her heart the way both Vaniel and Iboen had. It almost made her wish she could have a child all her own. But, no, Iboen was enough for her, and she hardly had time for him, let alone finding a proper mate with whom to produce her own offspring. Selphie and Irvine and Squall and Rinoa had something she felt would never really be hers and their idyllic romances set the standard. Quistis could never accept less from a man than the sort of devotion those two couples had. Though only twenty in age, she already doubted she'd ever have such a thing. Perhaps she simply wasn't meant to.
"Quisty, hello?" Ellone had canted her head to the side, leaning forward slightly to attempt catching the other woman's gaze. Quistis almost blushed as she realized she'd lost herself to thought and poor Ellone had gone on talking in the meanwhile. Grabbing the toy, she made sure Vaniel had time to grab it again and cleared her throat.
"Sorry, I was thinking. What was that?"
"I asked about Iboen. I heard about him, but I don't know how you found him."
"Oh," Quistis replied, shaking her head then as she considered how to relate the tale. Long and twisted, there was simply too much of it. "It's a long story, Elle. I only know that my eyes have been opened as to what we all are and why we were chosen to fight against Ultimecia. Iboen is the last of his... our kind. I have to keep him safe. Just like Vaniel here needs to be kept safe..." she trailed off as Vaniel suddenly stopped kicking his legs and stared at Quistis as if he understood every word she'd just said. Impossible, certainly, but the gaze almost sent shivers down the spines of both women. Then, that little face scrunched up and he began to wail at the top of his lungs, immediately being lifted by Quistis and set against her shoulder, over her heart, as she patted and rubbed his back to attempt soothing him.
After that, both of them fell into a very long, uncomfortable silence.
Chapter 6: No Leaf Clover
And it comes to be
That the soothing light at the end of your tunnel
Is just a freight train coming your way
Dr. Odine pointed Ellone and Squall in the proper direction. Rinoa fled from his office, his answers disturbing her enough to send her off in tears. After that, neither knew where the Sorceress might have fled to. The palace remained locked this late at night, though doubtless someone of her power could easily escape if she chose to. Squall separated from Ellone, pushing the wheelchair himself with strong arms. After a few corridors, he spotted the tail of Rinoa's blue cardigan at the far end of a hallway, disappearing to the left.
"Rinoa!" he shouted, reaching out to her before he realized she was gone and he would somehow have to catch up with her. Rounding the corner, the red carpeted hallway lead to an observatory, opened now for one to gaze upward at the night sky. There she stood, turned in the center to face him. Nothing like the distorted image of her he witnessed at the interrupted memorial, she radiated her warmth even at a distance, a star. No, the sun, and he revolved around her.
"Squall..." she trailed off and his heart sung when he heard it. The soft soprano he wanted and not that strange abomination. She rushed toward him, but halted before actually reaching him. Horror filled coffee colored eyes, horror and disbelief at the state he'd been left to. "What happened to you? Did she... did I?" A hand instinctively reached for the twin rings dangling from her neck on a silver chain.
"It wasn't you," Squall replied simply, keeping his voice soft, "I won't believe it was you. Tell me it wasn't you, Rinoa. And I'll believe you."
A hand draping over her mouth, Rinoa couldn't hold back the tears after that. All this time she worried that Squall wouldn't believe her, turn her away. She shook her head in response and slowly dropped to her knees, falling against the wheelchair to weep into his lap. What had Adel done to him? A hand stroked at her face, drawing away deep umber locks from her cheek. Squall removed the glove so he could feel her skin, touch her without physical barriers. Unaccustomed to handling this sort of thing, he let her cry, wishing he could somehow loosen up right then, be the sort of man she needed.
"I should never have left you."
"I should never have let you go."
For seconds that stretched out into minutes, these were the only words spoken between them. Rinoa's tears ceased as she felt his touch brushing at her hair, catching the familiar scent of him. She missed his warmth and the feeling his arms around her in the night. Slowly, she lifted her head, smiling at Squall sadly as he brushed the tears from her face, staring at her with those striking, storm-grey eyes. Not hardened, as she'd first seen him back at Timber when the SeeD team arrived, but full of wonderment now. Her chest tightened then, emotions welling into her eyes to release a few last tears, liquid opals spilt down porcelain cheeks. She started to say something more, to explain how Adel trapped her before she ever reached Timber, to make him understand she never wanted to be away from him for so long. But, he touched a finger to her lips, shaking his head.
"None of it matters, Rinoa. I don't know, I don't care. I have you back. Promise me. Tell me you'll never go again."
A smile crossed her lips then, almost making her giggle. Terse and taciturn Squall letting his heart finally open up to the bratty daughter of a Galbadian general. It made her want to laugh, to sing, to leap up and wrap her arms around him and squeal with joy. "I promise. Squall," she hesitated before her suggestion, uncertain how he would react to it and opted to be vague, "I can heal you, there is a way I can reverse your crippling."
Intrigued, the commander canted his head to the side, ash blonde bangs brushing across his forehead in an unruly manner. He started to ask, but closed his mouth again, instead lifting an eyebrow in askance as this time she put her finger against his lips. "Do you trust me, Squall Leonhart?" He nodded. Slowly she rose to her feet again, breathing in deeply to gather energies of the cosmos that surrounded her, hands glowing until it spread along her entire body. Squall watched in rapt awe, even as she grew so bright he needed to shield his eyes.
All that was asked of him, was to fulfill an old promise.
The next morning, everyone gathered in Laguna's office again. Plans needed to be made, discussions to be held and it was better to do so after everyone had rested and had time for reunitings. Zell chattered incessantly with Jasia, sitting together on the couch a bit apart from Selphie and Irvine. Selphie had sunk to the ground between Irvine's knees, Vaniel on a blanket on the floor where the two proud parents were busy making goofy faces at their son, discussing what all happened in the four months the father had been absent. Quistis and Ellone stood in a horseshoe alongside Kiros and Ward, attempting to pry information out of Laguna. Dr. Odine seemed rather reluctant, for once, to say anything about Rinoa. But they all knew he'd spoken with the president about it. So far, Rinoa and Squall's absense hardly seemed relevant.
"Laguna, come on. This could affect everyone. I'm guessing she's not a threat, really, but why can't you just tell us something about what's going on?" Kiros said in exasperation, folding his arms over his chest. Ward nodded in mute agreement with his cohort and Laguna sigh, reaching back to run a hand through his graying hair. Most of the arguing came from the presidential aides. Ellone and Quistis remained relatively quiet about it, though their concern was tantamount.
Holding his hands up in a stand-offish gesture, Laguna shook his head, "Look, Dr. Odine is gonna be here later to discuss this anyway. You guys know me, I say things wrong sometimes and it's better if I keep my mouth shut and not get all of you confused." Though Kiros frowned, he and Ward exchanged glances after that and couldn't help but agree. It was why they were his aides, after all, to keep him from shoving his foot in his mouth all the time.
The doors opened then, Esthar soldiers holding them to allow egress to Squall and Rinoa. Everyone paused and gaped at the couple. Squall stood at her side, no longer bound to a wheelchair. Hand in hand, they appeared as they had before the troubles with the Galbadian Revolutionary War, albeit a little older now. As usual, the commander's lips trained to a thin, neutral line while Rinoa smiled brightly, practically beaming toward the rest of the group. She had Squall back, there was no reason why she shouldn't feel pure elation.
"Scuse, scuse, please," Dr. Odine said as he pushed the two forward a little, toddling toward the president, hands folded behind his back. "Oh, zis iz good. Iz everyone here? Good." Attentions flickered between staring at Squall and staring at the scientist. Clearing his throat then, Odine adjusted that comical collar of his and began. "Dere iz some concern over the Sorceress Rinoa. Vell, dere iz no more need to fear. The spirit of Adel can only possess a sorceress vhen she iz vith her powers. I have given her a bracelet zat vill nullify them. Zis alone vill protect her. Dere are no other Sorceresses known of in our time. Dis means Adel will eventually fade vhen she cannot find a host. Zis also means dat Rinoa vill not be able to be a Sorceress anymore, unless she removes the bracelet or passes her powers on."
Relief flooded through the room, and Rinoa felt their acceptance more than heard or saw it. At last no one would look at her strangely, knowing that nothing could be able to possess her now. No more Ultimecias, no more Adels. Safe at last, and with Squall at her side, her Knight, nothing would ever harm her again. Selphie leapt to her feet first, leaving Vaniel with Irvine. She squealed with a girlish manner as she held her arms out to Rinoa to hug her. Quistis arrived soon after, and then Ellone. Soon everyone nearly piled around her, offering hugs and words of apology or reassurance. She nearly wept again as she realized no one cared about her Sorceress powers. All they wanted was for her to be safe and happy.
Perhaps at long last they would all get their happily ever after. The long dark peirced by a ray of light.
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